For sale or realtor signs.
While standard real estate (including "Open House") signs are of course permitted to be posted on the private property of our members, no signs of any type are permitted to be placed on the Association's common elements property, including our community's entrances on SR 315 (at Daventry Ln and Riverpoint Ct., on the East side of SR 315), and Association property directly across from the entrance at Daventry Ln. The only exceptions to that are "Open House" signs placed at the Daventry Ln. entrance (West side of SR 315) and for open house events at the Riverpoint Ct. entrance, for such events at Riverpoint Ct. properties only. "Open House" signs at these locations are only permitted to be placed on the day of the event and must be removed immediately after the event is completed. All others will be removed. Please contact the board if you have any questions regarding our policy.
Mailboxes. Who do I contact about replacing/repairing my mailbox?
Daventry Park's mailbox supplier is
Cedar Craft Products Inc. You may contact Cedar Craft directly and provide them with our subdivision name for a quote to repair or replace your mailbox.
The standard paint color for the mailboxes is Benjamin Moore Oregon Trail 1230.
Changes to property. Who do I contact for required approval before I make exterior changes to my house or property?
Please visit the
Contact page of this website to submit your exterior change requests, which will be reviewed by the Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee for approval.
When is trash, recycling, and yard waste collection?
Trash, recycling, and yard waste collection by Rumpke is every Thursday, subject to changes due to holidays which are listed on Rumpke's
holiday schedule website. Go to for questions, or call 1-800-828-8171.
Which police department serves Daventry Park?